3D Printer Technology: Wave of the Future? The 3D printer is changing how we look at manufacturing. Armed with 3D printer technology, individuals now can delve into product creation and experimentation…with results that are surprisingly precise and fairly inexpensive to create. Granted, the 3D printer is best suited for small items, but security experts have […]

The Importance of a Business Continuity Plan and Supply Chain Security In today’s economy, companies face intense global competition, and there is often only a thin margin separating brilliant companies from failing ones. The firms that succeed follow standards and practices that enable them to quickly respond to the market and emerging risks. Business continuity, […]

The holiday season is an important time for many businesses, particularly retailers. Unfortunately, the season presents its own set of corporate security concerns. These range from employee theft, to cyber security, to the effects of blizzards on supply chain security. Additionally, the shift towards e-commerce is continuing to change the way firms protect customer transactions […]

On November 11th, Riot Police in Dhaka, Bangladesh clashed with protesters, leading to multiple injuries and at least one death. The demonstrations were sparked by the arrest of five opposition leaders, two of whom were members of Parliament. On the same day, over 100 garment factories in Dhaka were forced to close due to ongoing […]